Motion Controller Input Tutorial for Windows Mixed Reality VR

Dec 2017, Mixed Reality | Microsoft

With the launch of new Windows Mixed Reality VR headsets, I designed tutorial content to help developers and creators understand various input interactions of the Motion Controllers in VR experiences. Based on my personal experiences in designing and developing apps for VR with motion controllers, I focused on topics that can resolve developers’ pain points.

Mixed Reality Tutorial


  • Proposal for the motion controller tutorial
  • Defining the goal of the tutorial
  • Content ideation
  • Collaboration with the engineering team for technical requirements and constraints
  • Design of the visual elements and assets
  • Worked with a technical designer for prototypes and production project
  • Creation of the presentable step-by-step deck for physical Holographic Academy audiences
  • Created video series
  • Rehearsal of the presentations for events
  • Editorial fit & finish for the publication


The tutorial was published on Microsoft Mixed Reality Docs as part of Mixed Reality Academy Tutorials. It helped customers learn and understand the new Windows MR VR Motion Controllers. Some of the elements contributed to MRTK.