Microsoft Mixed Reality Dev Days 2022
Building Rich UI for Mixed Reality in MRTK3
Unity Unite Berlin 2018
Open source building blocks for Mixed Reality Experiences
Microsoft MR Dev Days Japan 2020
MRTKのUX構成要素 – UX Building Blocks (日本語)
Microsoft MR Dev Days Korea 2021
MRTK3 Interaction Building Blocks and Mixed Reality Design Languag (한국어)
Tokyo HoloLens ミートアップ Vol.21
MRTK’s UX Component – ボタンの詳細分析 (日本語)
Meta MR Developer Summit
Apr 3, 2024, Meta
Topic: Mixed Reality Design Principles
Seoul National University – 서울대학교 미술대학 교육포럼 학술회의 키노트
ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) Tech Talk
Microsoft Mixed Reality Dev Days 2022
Jun 9-10, 2022, In-person + online
Session 1: Building Rich UI for MR in MRTK3
Session 2: Working with Dynamic Data and Theming in MRTK3
All Sessions:
Event page:
Microsoft Mixed Reality Dev Days 2022 – Korea
Aug 10, 2022, Online, Presented in Korean
Topic: MRTK3 Interaction Building Blocks, Building Rich UI with Mixed Reality Design Language and Unity Canvas
Korea University – 고려대학교 전자공학부 대학원 세미나
Mar 10, 2022, Online
Topic: Designing for Mixed Reality
Tokyo HoloLens Meetup vol. 29
Jan 18, 2022, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: MRTK v3 Developer Experience (Presented in Japanese 日本語)
School of Visual Arts – MFA Interaction Design
Dec 10, 2021, Online
Topic: Designing for Mixed Reality
Korean Society of Typography 한국타이포그라피학회
Dec 10, 2021, Online
Topic: Type In Mixed Reality
숙명여대 창의융합 디자인연구소 – 크리에이티브 컨버전스 가을 국내학술대회
Nov 26, 2021, Online
Topic: Designing for Mixed Reality
AWE(Augmented World Expo) USA 2021
Nov 9-11, 2021, Santa Clara, CA + Virtual conference, Global
Topic: How MRTK Figma Toolkit can help your UX design process for Mixed Reality
Global Advanced Technology Workshop 2021 Keynote
Oct 12, 2021, Online
Topic: MRTK’s UX Building Blocks
Yonsei University – 연세대학교 Underwood International College
Oct 7, 2021, Online
Topic: Designing for Mixed Reality
Tokyo HoloLens Meetup vol. 28
Sep 7, 2021, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: MRTK Figma Toolkit & Figma Bridge for Unity (Presented in Japanese 日本語)
Korea Society of Design Science Conference Spring 2021 Keynote
한국디자인학회 키노트
May 29, 2021, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: Designing Mixed Reality (Korean)
Event page:
Microsoft MR Dev Days Japan 2020
Dec 16, 2020, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: MRTK’s UX Building Blocks (Presented in Japanese 日本語)
Event page: Mixed Realty Dev Days Japan 2020
Event session videos:
XR Interaction Design Seminar – 홍익대학교
Nov 7, 2020, Hong Ik University, Seoul, Korea
Topic: Designing for HoloLens and Mixed Reality
Tokyo HoloLens Meetup vol. 21
July 29, 2020, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: MRTK’s Button Deep Dive
AWE(Augmented World Expo) 2020
May 26-29, 2020, Virtual conference, Global
Topic: Building Instinctual Interactions on HoloLens and Beyond using MRTK
Presented with Julia Schwarz
Microsoft Mixed Reality Dev Days 2020
May 21-22, 2020, Virtual conference at AltspaceVR
Topic: MRTK UX Building Blocks Deep Dive
Session Recordings:
HoloLens Meetup Japan at Cluster
Apr 22, 2020, at Cluster VR, 400+ attendees from multiple cities – Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kobe, and more.
Topic: MRTK UX Component Updates
Microsoft Global MVP Summit
Mar 16-19, 2020, at Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: MRTK UX Building Blocks Deep Dive
MR Accelerator
Jan 27-28, 2020, at Microsoft Reactor, San Francisco, CA, USA
Topic: HoloLens 2, UX elements, MRTK overview
Ladies That UX Seattle
Dec 6, 2019, at Microsoft Reactor, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: HoloLens 2, UX elements, MRTK overview
Presented with Julia Schwarz, Sophie Stellmach
Unity Dev Days LA
Nov 9, 2019, at USC(University of Southern California), LA, USA
Topic: HoloLens 2 & MRTK demo
DUB Hacks at UW (University of Washington)
Oct 12, 2019, at University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Topic: HoloLens 2, MRTK overview
Aug 20, 2019, at Unity, Bellevue, WA, USA
Topic: HoloLens 2, MRTK’s UX building blocks
Microsoft Design Day 2019
Aug 2, 2019, at Microsoft Conference Center, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: MRTK’s UX building blocks
Tokyo HoloLens Meetup – July 2019
July 8, 2019, at Microsoft Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Topic: HoloLens 2, MRTK’s UX building blocks
Medium Post
Session Recording Video (Presented in Japanese)
SADI (Samsung Art & Design Institute)
Apr 25, 2019, at Samsung Art & Design Institute
Topic: Designing for Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality Developer Days 2018
Aug 8, 2018, at Mixed Reality Academy, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: MRTK(v1)’s UX building blocks
Unity Unite Berlin 2018
June 20, 2018, at Station Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Topic: MRTK(v1)’s UX building blocks
Session recording on YouTube
AWE Augmented World Expo 2018
May 30, 2018, at Santa Clara Convention Center, CA, USA
Topic: MRTK(v1)’s UX building blocks
Session recording on YouTube
Designing Typography Insight for HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality (AltspaceVR)
May 11, 2018, at AltspaceVR
Topic: Design & development story on Typography Insight for HoloLens
Microsoft Build 2018
May 8, 2018, at Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Topic: MRTK(v1)’s UX building blocks
Presented with Katherine Harris
Holographic Academy – Designing Type In Space for HoloLens
June 19, 2017, at Microsoft Garage, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: Designing Typography Insight for HoloLens (Presented in Japanese)
Designing Type In Space for HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality – Microsoft Garage
Feb 6, 2018, at Microsoft Garage, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: Mixed Reality, MRTK v1, Designing Typography Insight for HoloLens
Microsoft Design Day 2017
June 6, 2017, at Microsoft Conference Center, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: Mixed Reality, Designing Typography Insight for HoloLens
Presented with Steve Kaneko
“It’s wonderful to see the design leadership platform you have created and how you build upon all the work you have created as one seamless and unique journey in design and innovation.”
Rodney Edwards – VP of Design, Windows Design at Microsoft
Windows Holographic User Group 2016
Nov 9, 2016, at Microsoft Reactor, Redmond, WA, USA
Topic: Designing Typography Insight for HoloLens