Tokyo HoloLens Meetup, July 2019

Meet some of the most passionate HoloLens developers & creators around the world.
Julia Schwarz and I(Yoon Park) presented at Tokyo HoloLens Meetup Vol 16. on July 8, 2019. It was an amazing experience to meet passionate HoloLens developers and learn about their exciting projects. I wanted to share their energy with photos and videos.

HoloLens custom rig for the Leap Motion (aka. HoloLens 1.85)
By たるこす
and おがちょ
Leap Motion for MRTK on GitHub
Beautiful custom rig with the mount for the Leap Motion sensor. The demo was running MRTK’s HandInteractionExamples scene with Holographic Remoting.

HoloLens + Thermography
By Crispy!
Beautiful real-time holographic thermography visualization. The experience was much better than the video below.
Custom 3D printed case for Azure Kinect
By おがちょ
HoloLab created a custom case for Azure Kinect to expose external synchronization ports.

HoloLens Custom Rig made with LEGO (Leap Motion + Battery Pack)
By かみながれお
Created with only pure LEGO blocks, the rig supports Leap Motion mount, sun visor, external battery pack.

3D printed HoloLens 2 Mockup
By higrademe

Custom Sun Visor for HoloLens

MRTK Running on Looking Glass + Leap Motion
Looking Glass running MRTK’s HandInteractionExamples scene.

MRTK Running on Oculus Go
By Decoc
Oculus for MRTK on GitHub
MRTK’s HandInteractionExamples scene running on Oculus Go with controllers.

MRTK Running on Android device with ARCore
By Miyaura(Takabrz)
His blog posts on MRTK are always amazing.

Julia presenting HoloLens 2’s Hand Tracking Interaction

Yoon presenting MRTK’s UX Building Blocks

Recorded session video on YouTube
HoloMoto(ホロ元) presenting his experiments with MR Lighting Tools and animation characters

Miyaura presenting Sharing System with Azure Spatial Anchors & MRTK v2 & Photon

Øyvind Sørøy presenting User feedback stories

Meeting community members at HoloLab
HoloLab generously invited us to their office for a casual dinner & chat with HoloLens community members. We had an amazing time with so many enthusiastic developers sharing their experiments and the learnings.

MR City by Psychic VR Lab
Psychic VR Lab invited us to give us a large-scale HoloLens demo in Shinjuku street. Even in the dark environment, the holograms were very stable, smooth and beautifully designed. This was one of the coolest HoloLens demos we have ever seen. We can’t wait for other people to experience this.

More Photos

Thank you very much for inviting us! ご招待ありがとうございました!
I was so happy to meet the Japanese HoloLens community. It was such an amazing experience to see so many exciting projects. It was my honor to meet the most passionate and dedicated HoloLens pioneers in the world! I feel so blessed and honored to be part of this journey. We are building the future of mixed reality together.

Photos by Yoon Park, Satoshi Maemoto, Julia Schwarz
Tokyo HoloLens Meetup videos on YouTube
*Tokyo MotionControl Network(TMCN) is an open community for the affordable sensors and devices with open development environment like Kinect and OculusRift. TMCN connects the engineers and artists who are crazy for Digital MAKE movement, and establish the collaboration, and co-creation opportunities.